
Other blogs or pages to follow. Always more to be added.

Site Description
The Glorio Blog Anime, manga, games, tokusatsu, podcasts. We do it all over there
Auldnoir Forum A forum where I hang out sometimes
Retroversy Aquagaze, Glorio comrade
Blueberry Lemonade Kyle Labriola, artist/dev/writer
Taniyn Quest Barquq's digital garden, which inspired the format of this site
Jama's Blog Jama, TTRPG fiend
Midnight Reading Renkon, gamer and writer
Indie Tsushin Renkon's zine about Japanese indie games
Shmupulations Japanese game dev translations
Kimimi The Game-Eating She-Monster Long-form writing on games
Explorations in Translation Game script translation comparisons
Cosmic Warlord Kin-Bright The only space opera epic poem I know of
Broken Words LiteraryWizard, writer and TTRPGer
Dispatch from the Radical Dreamland Lena Raine, composer and game dev
Connor Sheri Shaw Sheri, journalist and artist
Calliope's Magic Garden Calliope, writer and teacher
enceledean Nic Tringali, game dev
Permanent Reset PermanentReset, writer
Binary Star Games TTRPG designer
Breadthcharge Nire Bryce, writer and activist
Days and Wonder Aurahack, artist
The Transsexual Chofetz Chaim Shel, writer and activist
Jkap Jae, former CEO of Cohost
Musing from Lythos Artix, Let's Player


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