Microblog TOC & Current Thoughts

Quick, small posts and things that have yet to be sorted elsewhere.
Perhaps even the category will disappear entirely, it's a bit redundant.

Current Thoughts

got my covid booster a few days ago and while the usual fever/headache has gone away I now have vertigo symptoms as if i'm on a boat or in the middle of a light earthquake. probably not helped by the recent cluster of tiny earthquakes in my area either.

I looked it up and apparently this is not unheard of and also significantly more common with the Moderna vaccine. if it continues another few days i'll probably try and see someone about it, though my PCP is slightly too gungho about prescribing me things i don't particularly want to take

the other day i had to troubleshoot this site's RSS feed. I got it working again, but I sure hope it doesn't break a second time. I ain't a coder.

Not Yet Sorted


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